home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Program.....: Class_Test.c -- *
- * -- Author......: Daniel Kasmeroglu <raptor@cs.tu-berlin.de> -- *
- * -- Description.: Demonstration of the Compressor.class -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- History -- *
- * -- -- *
- * -- 0.1 (31. August 1998) - Started with writing. -- *
- * -- 1.0 (17. September 1998) - Finished writing of E-Version. -- *
- * -- 1.0 (17. September 1998) - Finished C version. -- *
- * -- -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Includes -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <libraries/compressor.h>
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #include <libraries/xpk.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #include <utility/hooks.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <dos/rdargs.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <intuition/classusr.h>
- #include <intuition/classes.h>
- #include <prefs/prefhdr.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <pragma/compressor_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/intuition_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/iffparse_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <clib/compressor_protos.h>
- #include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Structures -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- struct Msg {
- ULONG MethodID;
- };
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Constants -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- #define help_ClearCON printf( "%c[0;0H%c[J", 27, 27 );
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Hook-Routines -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- /// hoo_CLIProgress
- LONG __saveds hoo_CLIProgress( register __a1 struct XpkProgress *cli_msg ) {
- if (cli_msg->xp_Type == XPKPROG_START)
- {
- help_ClearCON
- printf( "\n File....: '%s'\n" , cli_msg->xp_FileName );
- printf( " Size....: %lu Bytes\n" , cli_msg->xp_ULen );
- printf( "\r Done....: %-3u %%" , cli_msg->xp_Done );
- fflush( stdout );
- }
- else {
- printf( "\r Done....: %-3u %%" , cli_msg->xp_Done );
- fflush( stdout );
- };
- if (cli_msg->xp_Type == XPKPROG_END) printf( "\n End of (de)compression !\n" );
- };
- ///
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Declarations -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- struct Hook glo_clihook = {{0L},(HOOKFUNC)hoo_CLIProgress};
- APTR glo_mempool = NULL;
- APTR glo_filemem = 0;
- ULONG glo_filesize = NULL;
- struct Library *iffparsebase;
- struct Library *compressorbase;
- struct Library *intuitionbase;
- struct Library *dosbase;
- struct Library *gfxbase;
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Helping Routines -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- /// help_WaitReturn
- void help_WaitReturn() {
- struct RDArgs *wai_rdargs;
- ULONG wai_var;
- printf( "\n\n< PRESS RETURN TO CONTINUE >\n" );
- wai_rdargs = ReadArgs( "ARG", (LONG *)&wai_var, NULL );
- if (wai_rdargs != NULL) FreeArgs( wai_rdargs );
- };
- ///
- /// help_ShowXPKError
- // Simply prints out the name of the passed XPK-Error.
- // It's much more helpful then showing a negative value.
- void help_ShowXPKError( LONG sho_value ) {
- switch(sho_value) {
- case XPKERR_NOFUNC : printf( "XPKERR_NOFUNC\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOFILES : printf( "XPKERR_NOFILES\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_IOERRIN : printf( "XPKERR_IOERRIN\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_IOERROUT : printf( "XPKERR_IOERROUT\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_CHECKSUM : printf( "XPKERR_CHECKSUM\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_VERSION : printf( "XPKERR_VERSION\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOMEM : printf( "XPKERR_NOMEM\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_LIBINUSE : printf( "XPKERR_LIBINUSE\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_WRONGFORM : printf( "XPKERR_WRONGFORM\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_SMALLBUF : printf( "XPKERR_SMALLBUF\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_LARGEBUF : printf( "XPKERR_LARGEBUF\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_WRONGMODE : printf( "XPKERR_WRONGMODE\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NEEDPASSWD : printf( "XPKERR_NEEDPASSWD\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_CORRUPTPKD : printf( "XPKERR_CORRUPTPKD\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_MISSINGLIB : printf( "XPKERR_MISSINGLIB\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_BADPARAMS : printf( "XPKERR_BADPARAMS\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_EXPANSION : printf( "XPKERR_EXPANSION\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOMETHOD : printf( "XPKERR_NOMETHOD\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_ABORTED : printf( "XPKERR_ABORTED\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_TRUNCATED : printf( "XPKERR_TRUNCATED\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_WRONGCPU : printf( "XPKERR_WRONGCPU\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_PACKED : printf( "XPKERR_PACKED\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOTPACKED : printf( "XPKERR_NOTPACKED\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_FILEEXISTS : printf( "XPKERR_FILEEXISTS\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_OLDMASTLIB : printf( "XPKERR_OLDMASTLIB\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_OLDSUBLIB : printf( "XPKERR_OLDSUBLIB\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOCRYPT : printf( "XPKERR_NOCRYPT\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOINFO : printf( "XPKERR_NOINFO\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_LOSSY : printf( "XPKERR_LOSSY\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_NOHARDWARE : printf( "XPKERR_NOHARDWARE\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_BADHARDWARE : printf( "XPKERR_BADHARDWARE\n" ) ; break ;
- case XPKERR_WRONGPW : printf( "XPKERR_WRONGPW\n" ) ; break ;
- };
- };
- ///
- /// help_ReadValue
- LONG help_ReadValue() {
- struct RDArgs *rea_rdargs;
- ULONG rea_value;
- rea_rdargs = ReadArgs( "VALUE/N", (LONG *)&rea_value, NULL );
- rea_value = rea_value ? *(ULONG *)rea_value : 0;
- if (rea_rdargs != NULL) FreeArgs( rea_rdargs );
- return (LONG)rea_value;
- };
- ///
- /// help_SetAttrsA
- void help_SetAttrsA( APTR set_object, ULONG set_attrid, ULONG set_data ) {
- struct TagItem set_tags[2];
- set_tags[0].ti_Tag = set_attrid;
- set_tags[0].ti_Data = set_data;
- set_tags[1].ti_Tag = TAG_END;
- SetAttrsA( set_object, &set_tags[0] );
- };
- ///
- /// help_ReadString
- void help_ReadString( STRPTR rea_buffer ) {
- struct RDArgs *rea_rdargs;
- ULONG rea_adr;
- rea_adr = NULL;
- rea_rdargs = ReadArgs( "STRING", (LONG *)&rea_adr, NULL );
- if (rea_rdargs != NULL) {
- if (rea_adr != NULL)
- strcpy( rea_buffer, (STRPTR)rea_adr );
- else
- strcpy( rea_buffer, "" );
- FreeArgs( rea_rdargs );
- };
- else {
- strcpy( rea_buffer, "" );
- };
- };
- ///
- /// help_FileLength
- ULONG help_FileLength( STRPTR fil_path ) {
- struct FileInfoBlock fil_fib;
- ULONG fil_length;
- BPTR fil_lock;
- fil_length = -1;
- fil_lock = Lock( fil_path, SHARED_LOCK );
- if (fil_lock != NULL) {
- if (Examine( fil_lock, &fil_fib ) != NULL)
- fil_length = fil_fib.fib_Size;
- UnLock( fil_lock );
- };
- return fil_length;
- };
- ///
- /// help_WriteDummyFile
- // This little routines writes files of a given size.
- // The files are filled with shit but they may be
- // used for demonstrations.
- ULONG help_WriteDummyFile( STRPTR wri_file, ULONG wri_size ) {
- BPTR wri_han;
- APTR wri_mem;
- // allocate memory with the requested size
- wri_mem = AllocMem( wri_size, 0 );
- if (wri_mem != NULL) {
- // open the file
- wri_han = Open( wri_file, MODE_NEWFILE );
- if (wri_han != NULL) {
- // write the memory area into this file
- Write( wri_han, wri_mem, wri_size );
- Close( wri_han );
- };
- FreeMem( wri_mem, wri_size );
- };
- // was writing successful
- if (help_FileLength( wri_file ) == wri_size)
- return TRUE;
- else
- DeleteFile( wri_file );
- return FALSE;
- };
- ///
- /// help_LoadFile
- void help_LoadFile( STRPTR loa_path ) {
- BPTR loa_han;
- if (glo_filemem != NULL) FreeMem( glo_filemem, glo_filesize );
- glo_filesize = help_FileLength( loa_path );
- glo_filemem = AllocMem( glo_filesize, MEMF_PUBLIC );
- if (glo_filemem != NULL) {
- loa_han = Open( loa_path, MODE_OLDFILE );
- if (loa_han != NULL) {
- if (Read( loa_han, glo_filemem, glo_filesize ) != glo_filesize) {
- FreeMem( glo_filemem, glo_filesize );
- glo_filemem = NULL;
- glo_filesize = 0;
- };
- Close( loa_han );
- };
- else {
- FreeMem( glo_filemem, glo_filesize );
- glo_filemem = NULL;
- glo_filesize = 0;
- };
- };
- };
- ///
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Demonstrations -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- /// dem_ShowConfiguration
- void dem_ShowConfiguration( APTR dem_object ) {
- struct XpkPackerInfo *dem_packerinfo;
- struct XpkMode *dem_packermode;
- ULONG dem_method;
- ULONG dem_mode;
- // This procedure simply gets some information from the given
- // object and prints them out. It's very simpel as you can see.
- GetAttr( CCA_METHOD, dem_object, &dem_method );
- printf( "\n\nMethod..............: '%s'\n", dem_method );
- GetAttr( CCA_XPKPACKERINFO , dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_packerinfo );
- printf( "LongName............: '%s'\n", dem_packerinfo->xpi_LongName );
- printf( "Description.........: '%s'\n", dem_packerinfo->xpi_Description );
- GetAttr( CCA_MODE, dem_object, &dem_mode );
- printf( "Mode................: %d\n", dem_mode );
- GetAttr( CCA_XPKMODE, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_packermode );
- printf( "Mode-Description....: '%s'\n", dem_packermode->xm_Description );
- printf( "Encryption..........: '%s'\n", (dem_packerinfo->xpi_Flags & XPKIF_ENCRYPTION) ? "possible" : "not possible" );
- GetAttr( CCA_PASSWORD, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "Password............: '%s'\n", dem_method );
- GetAttr( CCA_MEMPOOL, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "Memory pool.........: %s\n", dem_method ? "installed" : "not installed" );
- GetAttr( CCA_PROGRESSHOOK, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "Progress-Hook.......: %s\n", dem_method ? "installed" : "not installed" );
- GetAttr( CCA_HIDEPASSWORD, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "Flags...............: %s", dem_method ? "CCF_HIDEPASSWORD\n " : "" );
- GetAttr( CCA_INTERNALPROGRESS, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "%s", dem_method ? "CCF_INTERNALPROGRESS\n " : "" );
- GetAttr( CCA_SCREENLOCKED, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_method );
- printf( "%s", dem_method ? "CCF_SCREENLOCKED\n" : "" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_SelectMethod
- void dem_SelectMethod( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG *dem_list;
- ULONG dem_count;
- ULONG dem_end;
- ULONG dem_run;
- LONG dem_choice;
- GetAttr( CCA_METHODLIST, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_list );
- GetAttr( CCA_NUMPACKERS, dem_object, &dem_count );
- dem_end = 0;
- for(;;) {
- help_ClearCON
- printf( "\nSelect a method by entering the preceding number !\n\n" );
- // print out the list of available packer
- printf( "\n" );
- for ( dem_run = 1; dem_run<=dem_count; dem_run++ ) {
- printf( " %3d. %s ", dem_run, dem_list[ dem_run - 1 ] );
- if (dem_run % 5 == 0) printf( "\n" );
- };
- printf( "\n\nYour choice => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- dem_choice = help_ReadValue();
- if ((dem_choice > 0) && (dem_choice <= dem_count)) dem_end = 1;
- if (dem_end != 0) break;
- };
- dem_choice = dem_choice - 1;
- // both attributes are having the same effect, so you can use
- // both calls. naturally you only need one of the following lines
- // and you should prefer the attribute "CCA_METHODINDEX" because
- // setting this is much faster than "CCA_METHOD". the reason is
- // simple because my object have to search the method in the list
- // and this results in some string-comparisons. if you are passing
- // the name of a method which isn't available (or other shit) this
- // will be ignored. all will be left unchanged.
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_METHODINDEX, (ULONG)dem_choice );
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_METHOD, (ULONG)dem_list[ dem_choice ] );
- };
- ///
- /// dem_SelectMode
- void dem_SelectMode( APTR dem_object ) {
- LONG dem_mode;
- printf( "\nEnter a value (1..100) => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- dem_mode = help_ReadValue();
- // setting a value lower than 1 or higher than 100 will
- // leave my object unchanged.
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_MODE, (ULONG)dem_mode );
- };
- ///
- /// dem_EnterPassword
- void dem_EnterPassword( APTR dem_object ) {
- TEXT dem_buffer[50];
- printf( "\nEnter a new password => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_buffer );
- // the passed string will be copied to the internal buffer.
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_PASSWORD, (ULONG)dem_buffer );
- };
- ///
- /// dem_ToggleHook
- void dem_ToggleHook( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG dem_hook;
- // switch between progresshook on and progresshook off
- GetAttr( CCA_PROGRESSHOOK, dem_object, &dem_hook );
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_PROGRESSHOOK, dem_hook ? NULL : (ULONG)&glo_clihook );
- if (dem_hook != NULL)
- printf( "\nCLI-Progress function has been removed !\n" );
- else
- printf( "\nCLI-Progress function has been installed !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_PopupGUI
- void dem_PopupGUI( APTR dem_object ) {
- struct Msg pop_msg;
- pop_msg.MethodID = CCM_PREFSGUI;
- // the simpliest way to do the configuration
- if (DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&pop_msg ) != NULL) {
- // Damn, something went wrong
- printf( "\nCannot launch GUI !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- };
- ///
- /// dem_HiddenPassword
- void dem_HiddenPassword( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG dem_hidden;
- GetAttr( CCA_HIDEPASSWORD, dem_object, &dem_hidden );
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_HIDEPASSWORD, !dem_hidden );
- if (dem_hidden != NULL)
- printf( "\nThe password in the GUI is now visible !\n" );
- else
- printf( "\nThe password in the GUI is now invisible !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_ToggleProgress
- void dem_ToggleProgress( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG dem_flags;
- GetAttr( CCA_INTERNALPROGRESS, dem_object, &dem_flags );
- if (dem_flags != FALSE) {
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_INTERNALPROGRESS, FALSE );
- printf( "\nInternal Progress-Report removed !\n" );
- } else {
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_INTERNALPROGRESS, TRUE );
- printf( "\nInternal Progress-Report installed !\n" );
- };
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_LoadPrefs
- // Both procedures are using the "iffparse.library" to write
- // the IFF-File. You could use your own code instead to write
- // such an IFF-File but I hope you won't write the chunk as
- // raw data in your prefsfile. However, this is a little example
- // that has minimal functionality but it shows how it works.
- void dem_LoadPrefs( APTR dem_object ) {
- TEXT dem_path[200];
- struct StoredProperty *dem_prhd;
- struct StoredProperty *dem_cccp;
- struct IFFHandle *dem_iff;
- struct PrefHeader *dem_prefhd;
- ULONG dem_res;
- printf( "\nEnter path of the prefsfile => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_path );
- dem_iff = AllocIFF();
- if (dem_iff != NULL) {
- dem_iff->iff_Stream = Open( dem_path, MODE_OLDFILE );
- if (dem_iff->iff_Stream != NULL) {
- InitIFFasDOS( dem_iff );
- if (OpenIFF( dem_iff, IFFF_READ ) == 0) {
- StopOnExit( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_FORM );
- PropChunk( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_PRHD );
- PropChunk( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_CCCP );
- // search the selected chunks
- dem_res = ParseIFF( dem_iff, IFFPARSE_SCAN );
- dem_prhd = FindProp( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_PRHD );
- dem_cccp = FindProp( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_CCCP );
- // valid chunks ?
- if (((dem_res == IFFERR_EOF) || (dem_res == IFFERR_EOC)) && (dem_prhd != NULL) && (dem_cccp != NULL)) {
- dem_prefhd = (PrefHeader *)dem_prhd->sp_Data;
- printf( "\nVersion of the prefsfile : %ld\n", dem_prefhd->ph_Version );
- // here ! this is a simple way of setting the prefs.
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_PREFSCHUNK, (ULONG)dem_cccp );
- printf( "Loaded prefs are setted !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- CloseIFF( dem_iff );
- };
- Close( dem_iff->iff_Stream );
- };
- else {
- printf( "\nCannot open file '\s' !\n", dem_path );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- FreeIFF( dem_iff );
- };
- else {
- printf( "\nCan't get an IFF-Handle !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- };
- ///
- /// dem_SavePrefs
- void dem_SavePrefs( APTR dem_object ) {
- TEXT dem_path[200];
- struct StoredProperty *dem_cccp;
- struct IFFHandle *dem_iff;
- struct PrefHeader dem_prefhd;
- printf( "\nEnter path of the prefsfile => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_path );
- dem_iff = AllocIFF();
- if (dem_iff != NULL) {
- dem_iff->iff_Stream = Open( dem_path, MODE_NEWFILE );
- if (dem_iff->iff_Stream != NULL) {
- InitIFFasDOS( dem_iff );
- if (OpenIFF( dem_iff, IFFF_WRITE ) == 0 ) {
- PushChunk( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_FORM, IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN );
- dem_prefhd.ph_Version = 1;
- dem_prefhd.ph_Type = 0;
- dem_prefhd.ph_Flags = 0;
- PushChunk( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_PRHD, 6 );
- WriteChunkBytes( dem_iff, &dem_prefhd, 6 );
- PopChunk( dem_iff );
- // this chunk must be saved
- GetAttr( CCA_PREFSCHUNK, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_cccp );
- // here we are storing our chunk
- PushChunk( dem_iff, ID_PREF, ID_CCCP, dem_cccp->sp_Size );
- WriteChunkBytes( dem_iff, dem_cccp->sp_Data, dem_cccp->sp_Size );
- PopChunk( dem_iff );
- PopChunk( dem_iff );
- CloseIFF( dem_iff );
- printf( "\nWriting the prefs was successful !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- Close( dem_iff->iff_Stream );
- };
- else {
- printf( "\nCannot open file '\s' !\n", dem_path );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- FreeIFF( dem_iff );
- };
- else {
- printf( "\nCan't get an IFF-Handle !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- };
- ///
- /// dem_ToggleMemPool
- void dem_ToggleMemPool( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG dem_pool;
- GetAttr( CCA_MEMPOOL, dem_object, &dem_pool );
- help_SetAttrsA( dem_object, CCA_MEMPOOL, dem_pool ? NULL : (ULONG)glo_mempool );
- if (dem_pool != NULL)
- printf( "\nMemory pool has been removed !\n" );
- else
- printf( "\nMemory pool has been installed !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_File2File
- void dem_File2File( APTR dem_object, ULONG dem_compressing ) {
- struct ccmFile2File dem_msg;
- TEXT dem_infile[200];
- TEXT dem_outfile[200];
- LONG dem_xerr;
- printf( "\nPath of the file to " );
- if (dem_compressing == FALSE) printf( "de" );
- printf( "compress => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_infile );
- printf( "Path of the destination-file => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_outfile );
- printf( "\n" );
- // here a file will be compressed
- dem_msg.methodid = CCM_FILE2FILE;
- dem_msg.com_Source = dem_infile;
- dem_msg.com_Destination = dem_outfile;
- dem_msg.com_Compressing = dem_compressing;
- dem_xerr = DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&dem_msg );
- if (dem_xerr == FALSE) {
- printf( "\nFile '%s' was ", dem_infile );
- if (dem_compressing == FALSE) printf( "de" );
- printf( "compressed from %lu to %lu Bytes\n", help_FileLength( dem_infile ), help_FileLength( dem_outfile ) );
- };
- else {
- printf( "\nDamn, an error occured ! XPK-Error = " );
- help_ShowXPKError( dem_xerr );
- };
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_File2Mem
- void dem_File2Mem( APTR dem_object, ULONG dem_compressing ) {
- TEXT dem_infile[200];
- struct ccmFile2Mem dem_file2mem;
- APTR dem_pool;
- ULONG dem_mem;
- ULONG dem_length;
- ULONG dem_endlen;
- LONG dem_xerr;
- printf( "\nPath of the file to " );
- if (dem_compressing == FALSE) printf( "de" );
- printf( "compress => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_infile );
- if (help_FileLength( dem_infile ) <= 0) {
- printf( "\nFile '%s' doesn't exist !\n", dem_infile );
- help_WaitReturn();
- return;
- };
- GetAttr( CCA_MEMPOOL, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_pool );
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- // a memory pool is installed, so we are
- // using this pool
- dem_file2mem.com_Memory = &dem_mem;
- dem_file2mem.com_Length = 0; // this is needed to use the pool
- };
- else {
- // we must allocate the memory by ourself, so first
- // we need to find out the length
- if (dem_compressing != FALSE)
- dem_length = PACKSIZE( help_FileLength( dem_infile ) );
- else {
- struct ccmExamine dem_examine;
- dem_examine.methodid = CCM_EXAMINE;
- dem_examine.com_Source = dem_infile;
- dem_examine.com_Memory = NULL;
- dem_examine.com_MemoryLen = 0;
- dem_examine.com_SizeAddr = &dem_length;
- DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&dem_examine );
- dem_length = UNPACKSIZE( dem_length );
- };
- // now do the allocation
- dem_mem = (ULONG)AllocMem( dem_length, MEMF_PUBLIC );
- if (dem_mem == NULL) {
- printf( "\nCannot allocate enough memory !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- return;
- };
- dem_file2mem.com_Memory = (APTR)dem_mem;
- dem_file2mem.com_Length = dem_length;
- };
- dem_file2mem.methodid = CCM_FILE2MEM;
- dem_file2mem.com_Compressing = dem_compressing;
- dem_file2mem.com_Source = dem_infile;
- dem_file2mem.com_OutLen = &dem_endlen;
- // call the method
- dem_xerr = DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&dem_file2mem );
- if (dem_xerr == FALSE) {
- printf( "\nCompression was successful !\n" );
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- dem_length = MEMSIZE( dem_mem );
- printf( "Memory pool was used !\n" );
- };
- printf( "Memory area at $%08lx ( %lu Bytes )\n", dem_mem, dem_length );
- printf( "Compressed data %lu Bytes\n", dem_endlen );
- }; else {
- printf( "\nAn error occured ! XPK-Error: " );
- help_ShowXPKError( dem_xerr );
- };
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- if (dem_xerr == FALSE) {
- dem_mem = dem_mem - 4;
- FreePooled( glo_mempool, (APTR)dem_mem, dem_length );
- };
- }; else
- FreeMem( (APTR)dem_mem, dem_length );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_Mem2Mem
- void dem_Mem2Mem( APTR dem_object, ULONG dem_compressing ) {
- TEXT dem_infile[200];
- struct ccmMem2Mem dem_mem2mem;
- APTR dem_pool;
- ULONG dem_mem;
- ULONG dem_length;
- ULONG dem_endlen;
- LONG dem_xerr;
- printf( "\nPath of the file to " );
- if (dem_compressing == FALSE) printf( "de" );
- printf( "compress => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- help_ReadString( dem_infile );
- help_LoadFile( dem_infile );
- if (glo_filemem == NULL) {
- printf( "\nFile '%s' doesn't exist !\n", dem_infile );
- help_WaitReturn();
- return;
- };
- GetAttr( CCA_MEMPOOL, dem_object, (ULONG *)&dem_pool );
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- // a memory pool is installed, so we are
- // using this pool
- dem_mem2mem.com_Destination = &dem_mem;
- dem_mem2mem.com_DestinationLen = 0; // this is needed to use the pool
- };
- else {
- // we must allocate the memory by ourself, so first
- // we need to find out the length
- if (dem_compressing != FALSE)
- dem_length = PACKSIZE( glo_filesize );
- else {
- struct ccmExamine dem_examine;
- dem_examine.methodid = CCM_EXAMINE;
- dem_examine.com_Source = NULL;
- dem_examine.com_Memory = glo_filemem;
- dem_examine.com_MemoryLen = glo_filesize;
- dem_examine.com_SizeAddr = &dem_length;
- DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&dem_examine );
- dem_length = UNPACKSIZE( dem_length );
- };
- // now do the allocation
- dem_mem = (ULONG)AllocMem( dem_length, MEMF_PUBLIC );
- if (dem_mem == NULL) {
- printf( "\nCannot allocate enough memory !\n" );
- help_WaitReturn();
- return;
- };
- dem_mem2mem.com_Destination = (APTR)dem_mem;
- dem_mem2mem.com_DestinationLen = dem_length;
- };
- dem_mem2mem.methodid = CCM_MEM2MEM;
- dem_mem2mem.com_Compressing = dem_compressing;
- dem_mem2mem.com_Source = glo_filemem;
- dem_mem2mem.com_SourceLen = glo_filesize;
- dem_mem2mem.com_OutLen = &dem_endlen;
- // call the method
- dem_xerr = DoMethodA( dem_object, (Msg)&dem_mem2mem );
- if (dem_xerr == FALSE) {
- printf( "\nCompression was successful !\n" );
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- dem_length = MEMSIZE( dem_mem );
- printf( "Memory pool was used !\n" );
- };
- printf( "Memory area $%08lx ( %lu Bytes ) to $%08lx ( %lu Bytes )\n", glo_filemem, glo_filesize, dem_mem, dem_length );
- }; else {
- printf( "\nAn error occured ! XPK-Error: " );
- help_ShowXPKError( dem_xerr );
- };
- if (dem_pool != NULL) {
- if (dem_xerr == FALSE) {
- dem_mem = dem_mem - 4;
- FreePooled( glo_mempool, (APTR)dem_mem, dem_length );
- };
- }; else
- FreeMem( (APTR)dem_mem, dem_length );
- help_WaitReturn();
- };
- ///
- /// dem_Menu
- void dem_Menu( APTR dem_object ) {
- ULONG dem_selected;
- UBYTE dem_end;
- dem_end = 0;
- for(;;) {
- help_ClearCON
- printf( " +-------------------------------------+\n" );
- printf( " | %c[1;1mCONFIGURATION%c[0m |\n", 27, 27 );
- printf( " +-------------------------------------+\n" );
- printf( " | 01. Show configuration |\n" );
- printf( " | 02. Select a method |\n" );
- printf( " | 03. Select the mode |\n" );
- printf( " | 04. Enter a password |\n" );
- printf( " | 05. Toggle hook installation |\n" );
- printf( " | 06. Use GUI for configuration |\n" );
- printf( " | 07. Toggle hidden password |\n" );
- if (iffparsebase != NULL) {
- printf( " | 08. Load configuration from file |\n" );
- printf( " | 09. Save configuration to file |\n" );
- };
- printf( " | 10. Toggle memory pool installation |\n" );
- printf( " | 19. Toggle internal progress report |\n" );
- printf( " +-------------------------------------+\n\n" );
- printf( "+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+\n" );
- printf( "| %c[1;1mCOMPRESSION%c[0m | | %c[1;1mDECOMPRESSION%c[0m |\n", 27, 27, 27, 27 );
- printf( "+---------------------------+ +---------------------------+\n" );
- printf( "| 11. From file to file | | 14. From file to file |\n" );
- printf( "| 12. From file to memory | | 15. From file to memory |\n" );
- printf( "| 13. From memory to memory | | 16. From memory to memory |\n" );
- printf( "+-------------+-------------+-+----------+----------------+\n" );
- printf( " | %c[2;1m20. Leave this program%c[0m |\n", 27, 27 );
- printf( " +--------------------------+\n\n" );
- printf( " Your choice => " );
- fflush( stdout );
- dem_selected = help_ReadValue();
- help_ClearCON
- switch( dem_selected ) {
- case 1 : dem_ShowConfiguration ( dem_object ); break;
- case 2 : dem_SelectMethod ( dem_object ); break;
- case 3 : dem_SelectMode ( dem_object ); break;
- case 4 : dem_EnterPassword ( dem_object ); break;
- case 5 : dem_ToggleHook ( dem_object ); break;
- case 6 : dem_PopupGUI ( dem_object ); break;
- case 7 : dem_HiddenPassword ( dem_object ); break;
- case 10 : dem_ToggleMemPool ( dem_object ); break;
- case 8 : if (iffparsebase != NULL) dem_LoadPrefs( dem_object ); break;
- case 9 : if (iffparsebase != NULL) dem_SavePrefs( dem_object ); break;
- case 11 : dem_File2File ( dem_object, TRUE ); break;
- case 14 : dem_File2File ( dem_object, FALSE ); break;
- case 12 : dem_File2Mem ( dem_object, TRUE ); break;
- case 15 : dem_File2Mem ( dem_object, FALSE ); break;
- case 13 : dem_Mem2Mem ( dem_object, TRUE ); break;
- case 16 : dem_Mem2Mem ( dem_object, FALSE ); break;
- case 19 : dem_ToggleProgress( dem_object ); break;
- case 20 : dem_end = 1 ; break ;
- default : break ;
- };
- if (dem_end != 0) break;
- };
- };
- ///
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Main -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- /// main
- ULONG main( void ) {
- struct IClass *ma_class;
- struct Process *ma_myproc;
- struct TagItem ma_tags[5];
- ULONG ma_retcode;
- APTR ma_object;
- // this is useful for later, except C initialises
- // global variables by default to NULL but I don't know if so 8-(
- ma_retcode = 0;
- // check whether we are being started from CLI or not
- ma_myproc = (struct Process *)FindTask( NULL );
- if (ma_myproc->pr_CLI == NULL)
- {
- printf( "Start me from the CLI !\n" );
- return 20UL;
- };
- // try to open the "iffparse.library". It does no matter
- // if this opening fails.
- iffparsebase = OpenLibrary( "iffparse.library", 37 );
- gfxbase = OpenLibrary( "graphics.library", 37 );
- if (gfxbase != NULL) {
- dosbase = OpenLibrary( "dos.library", 37 );
- if (dosbase != NULL) {
- intuitionbase = OpenLibrary( "intuition.library", 33 );
- if (intuitionbase != NULL) {
- compressorbase = OpenLibrary( "compressor.class", 1 );
- if (compressorbase != NULL) {
- ma_class = Cc_GetClassPtr();
- if (ma_class != NULL) {
- // create a memory pool
- glo_mempool = CreatePool( MEMF_PUBLIC, 500000, 25000 );
- ma_tags[0].ti_Tag = CCA_METHOD;
- ma_tags[1].ti_Tag = CCA_MODE;
- ma_tags[2].ti_Tag = CCA_PASSWORD;
- ma_tags[3].ti_Tag = CCA_PROGRESSHOOK;
- ma_tags[4].ti_Tag = TAG_END;
- ma_tags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)"HUFF";
- ma_tags[1].ti_Data = 80;
- ma_tags[2].ti_Data = (ULONG)"Peter Lustig";
- ma_tags[3].ti_Data = (ULONG)&glo_clihook;
- ma_tags[4].ti_Data = NULL;
- ma_object = NewObjectA( ma_class, NULL, &ma_tags[0] );
- if (ma_object != NULL) dem_Menu( ma_object );
- DisposeObject( ma_object );
- // free the last mem allocated for "help_LoadFile()"
- if (glo_filemem != NULL) FreeMem( glo_filemem, glo_filesize );
- // free all memory associated with this pool
- if (glo_mempool != NULL) DeletePool( glo_mempool );
- };
- else
- printf( "Class is not available !\n" );
- CloseLibrary( compressorbase );
- };
- else
- printf( "Cannot open the 'compressor.class' v1.0 or higher !\n" );
- CloseLibrary( intuitionbase );
- };
- else
- ma_retcode = 20;
- CloseLibrary( dosbase );
- };
- else
- ma_retcode = 20;
- CloseLibrary( gfxbase );
- };
- else
- ma_retcode = 20;
- // close the "iffparse.library" if open
- if (iffparsebase != NULL) CloseLibrary( iffparsebase );
- exit( ma_retcode );
- };
- ///
- /* -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- *
- * -- Data -- *
- * -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- */
- TEXT glo_versionstr[] = "$VER: com_TestClass.e 1.0 (17-Sep-98) [ Daniel Kasmeroglu ]";